
CLP core is the low-level component that performs compression, decompression, and search.


  • We have built and tested CLP on the OSes listed below.

    • If you have trouble building for another OS, file an issue, and we may be able to help.

  • A recent compiler that fully supports C++20 features such as

    • std::span

    • std::source_location

  • Task >= 3.38.0

To build, we require some source dependencies, packages from package managers, and libraries built from source.

Set up#

To initialize the project, run:


Source Dependencies#

We use both git submodules and third-party source packages. To download all, run this task command:

task deps:core

This will download:


A handful of packages and libraries are required to build CLP. There are two options to use them:

  • Install them on your machine and build CLP natively

  • Build CLP within a prebuilt docker container that contains the libraries; However, this won’t work if you need additional libraries that aren’t already in the container.

Native Environment#

See the relevant README for your OS:

Want to build natively on an OS not listed here? You can file a feature request.

Docker Environment#

You can use these commands to start a container in which you can build and run CLP:

# Make sure to change /path/to/clp/components/core and /path/to/my/logs below
docker run --rm -it \
  --name 'clp-build-env' \
  -u$(id -u):$(id -g) \
  -v$(readlink -f /path/to/clp/components/core):/mnt/clp \
  -v$(readlink -f /path/to/my/logs):/mnt/logs \ \
  /bin/bash -l

cd /mnt/clp

Make sure to change /path/to/clp/components/core and /path/to/my/logs to the relevant paths on your machine.


  • Configure the cmake project:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../
  • Build:

    make -j