Deploying this site#

A deployment of YScope docs includes both the current site and the sites of several other YScope repos and their release versions, complicating the build and deployment processes. The end goal is to use a single node process to serve each site at a different URL prefix (e.g., CLP at /clp/main and clp-ffi-py at /clp-ffi-py/main). We also want the layout on disk to be predictable so that we can use a simple config file to configure all the sites that need to be served.

One approach would be to build all the sites using Task and then assemble them into a single deployment. However, since each site (and version) might have different build dependencies, we can’t easily build them without several containers. Instead, we plan to have a GitHub workflow per repo which builds the site in a container and then publishes it directly to at the expected location.

Until those workflows are ready, we will deploy by building all the sites individually and assembling them into a single deployment.

Deployment structure#

An example of a deployment’s structure on disk and the corresponding URL paths should is as follows:


On-disk path

URL prefix




clp @ main



clp-ffi-py @ main



clp-ffi-py @ v0.0.9



This assumes the deployment is in build. Essentially, for each project besides yscope-docs, the build output should be in build/<project>-<version>/build/docs/html.

Each project and its versions should be listed in conf/projects.json so that the server knows all the sites it needs to render. The server will combine the config in projects.json with the build directory’s path to generate routes similar to the previous table.

Step-by-step guide#

  1. Build a clean version of this docs site:

    task clean && task
  2. Download the projects:

    task download-projects
  3. Build the docs for each project and version in conf/projects.json:

    cd build/<project>-<version>
    task docs:site
    cd ../
  4. Assemble a release:

    task release-tar

    The tar will be written to build/yscope-docs-release.tar.gz.

  5. Upload the tar to the deployment server and untar it.

  6. Follow the instructions in yscope-docs-release/server/ to start the server.