The YScope Log Viewer is a tool that can be used to view log files. It currently supports CLP’s compressed log files (IR streams) and JSON log files. The viewer can be used to navigate the log file, filter by log level, view the logs with syntax highlighting, and generate direct links to specific log events.

See the demo section to try the log viewer on a sample log file. Or you can generate your own compressed log files using one of our libraries.

Want to report a bug or request a feature? Check out the feedback section. A list of features in development is below.

Getting started#

Check out the relevant guide below, based on whether you’d like to use or develop the YScope Log Viewer.

User guide

Docs for those interested in using the YScope Log Viewer.


Developer guide

Docs for those interested in developing and contributing to the YScope Log Viewer.



A demo of the viewer is available here.

  • The demo loads a Hadoop YARN log file from the hive-24hrs log dataset.

    • More info on the dataset and other datasets can be found here.

  • To open an IR stream, drag and drop it onto the log viewer or use the open file dialog.

Generating IR stream logs#

IR stream log files can currently be generated using these libraries:

Providing feedback#

You can use GitHub issues to report a bug or request a feature.

Join us on Zulip to chat with developers and other community members.

Features in development#

  • Pretty printing to enhance the readability of structured data in the logs.

  • A dashboard to visualize the distribution of log types and log levels.

  • Support for plain text, archived log files, and other requested formats.

  • Searching within a file, multiple files, or within provided time ranges.

  • Infinite scrolling instead of pagination.

  • Log correlation with sync by timestamp across multiple editors.

  • Automatic conversion of text log files to IR stream format in the browser.

  • Deployment of components via NPM.