Coding guidelines#

This project adheres to YScope’s contribution guidelines as well as the project-specific guidelines below.


Index variables#

To differentiate variables that use different starting indexes (0 vs. 1), use the following naming convention:

  • 0-based indexing variable names should end with the suffix Idx.

  • 1-based indexing variable names should end with the suffix Num.

Similarly, variables that represent a total number of items should be named with the prefix num.


  • logEventNum for a 1-based indexing variable.

  • arrayIndexIdx for a 0-based indexing variable.

  • numEvents for the total number of events.


Omitting state variables from React Hooks#

To avoid including a state variable in a React Hook’s dependency array, you can use a reference (mirror) to hold the current value of the state variable. The reference should use the same name as the state variable with an additional Ref suffix. E.g., logEventNumRef is the reference variable that corresponds to the logEventNum state variable.