YScope Docs#

This is the hub for all of YScope’s open-source documentation. From here, you can find docs for all our open-source projects as well as other docs like format specifications, coding guidelines, etc. Contributions are welcome!


Below are all our open-source projects (so far). Each card links to docs for the specific project or, if no docs exist yet, it links to the project’s repo.

Log management#

CLP (clp)

A tool that can compress both text and JSON logs with higher compression than general-purpose compressors while allowing search without full decompression. CLP can run as a large distributed system and includes a UI.


Logging libraries#

The libraries below provide real-time compression into CLP’s compressed intermediate representation (IR).

clp-logging (clp-loglib-py)

A Python logging library providing lightweight and real-time compression into CLP’s IR format.


Log4j 1 appenders (log4j1-appenders)

Useful appenders for Log4j 1 including features like lightweight, real-time compression into CLP’s IR format.


Logback appenders (logback-appenders)

Useful appenders for Logback including features like lightweight, real-time compression into CLP’s IR format.


Log analytics libraries#

The libraries below expose CLP’s core, including serializing, deserializing, searching, and analyzing CLP IR files.


A Go library exposing an interface to CLP’s core. It currently supports CLP’s core encoding and decoding logic as well as serializing, deserializing, searching, and analyzing CLP IR files.



A Java library exposing an interface to CLP’s core. It currently supports CLP’s encoding, decoding, and query-generation logic as well as serializing CLP IR files.



A Python library exposing an interface to CLP’s core. It currently supports serializing, deserializing, searching, and analyzing CLP IR files.


Log visualization#

YScope Log Viewer (yscope-log-viewer)

A web interface for viewing logs that use CLP’s IR stream format including features like filtering by log level and viewing large files.


Log parsing#

Log Surgeon (log-surgeon)

A customizable library for parsing logs efficiently and with high performance compared to general-purpose regular expression engines.



To edit existing docs, click the “ Edit on GitHub” link found in the right sidebar of the page you want to edit. To create new docs, go to the relevant project’s repo and add pages to the docs folder. The repo for this documentation hub is here.