
The web interface for the CLP package.


  • Node.js v14 for building and running the webui

    • Meteor.js only supports Node.js versions >= v10 and <= v14.

  • Node.js v18 or higher for linting the webui

  • (Optional) nvm (Node Version Manager) to manage different versions of Node.js

  • Meteor.js

Install the dependencies#

meteor npm install

If you ever add a package manually to package.json or package.json changes for some other reason, you should rerun this command.

Running in development#

The full functionality of the webui depends on other components in the CLP package:

  1. Build the CLP package

  2. Start the package: <clp-package>/sbin/start-clp.sh

  3. Stop the webui instance started by the package: <clp-package>/sbin/stop-clp.sh webui

  4. Start the webui using meteor (refer to <clp-package>/etc/clp-config.yml for the config values):

    MONGO_URL="mongodb://<results_cache.host>:<results_cache.port>/<results_cache.db_name>" \
    ROOT_URL="http://<webui.host>:<webui.port>"                                  \
    CLP_DB_USER="<database.user>"                                                \
    CLP_DB_PASS="<database.password>"                                            \
      meteor --port <webui.port> --settings settings.json

    Here is an example based on the default clp-config.yml:

    # Please update `<database.password>` accordingly.
    MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/clp-query-results" \
    ROOT_URL="http://localhost:4000"                 \
    CLP_DB_USER="clp-user"                           \
    CLP_DB_PASS="<database.password>"                \
      meteor --port 4000 --settings settings.json
  5. The Web UI should now be available at http://<webui.host>:<webui.port> (e.g., http://localhost:4000).


We enforce code quality and consistency across our project using ESLint. Due to specific dependencies, linting this project requires Node.js v18 or higher. We offer two methods for performing linting; you may choose either one according to your preference.

Method 1: Run Taskfile tasks#

Taskfile tasks are available to automatically manage dependency setup and linting operations.

Checking for linting errors#

task lint:js-check

This will run ESLint on the entire project’s source code and report any linting errors.

Automatically fixing linting errors#

task lint:js-fix

This command attempts to automatically fix any linting issues found in the project.

Method 2: IDE Integration#

To integrate ESLint into IDEs like WebStorm and VSCode, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to Node.js v18 or higher

    # Install the latest node if not already installed
    nvm install node
    # Switch to the latest node
    nvm use node
  2. Install the latest ESLint shared config package.

    • We use --package-lock=false and --no-save to avoid adding the package to package-lock.json and package.json.

    npm --package-lock=false install --no-save eslint-config-yscope@latest