GitHub workflows#

The CLP repo includes several GitHub workflows for automating container image builds, artifact builds, testing, and linting. We briefly describe each workflow below.


This workflow is responsible for:

  1. building (Linux) container images containing CLP-core’s dependencies, and

  2. building CLP-core and running its unit tests.

To minimize build times, the jobs in the workflow are organized in the directed acyclic graph (DAG) shown below.

        flowchart TD
    filter-relevant-changes --> centos-stream-9-deps-image
    filter-relevant-changes --> ubuntu-jammy-deps-image
    filter-relevant-changes --> centos-stream-9-binaries
    filter-relevant-changes --> ubuntu-jammy-binaries
    centos-stream-9-deps-image --> centos-stream-9-binaries
    ubuntu-jammy-deps-image --> ubuntu-jammy-binaries
    ubuntu-jammy-binaries --> ubuntu-jammy-binaries-image

Arrows between jobs indicate a dependency. The jobs are as follows:

  • filter-relevant-changes: Filters the changes in the pull request or commit to determine which of the following jobs should run.

  • centos-stream-9-deps-image: Builds a container image containing the dependencies necessary to build CLP-core in a CentOS Stream 9 x86 environment.

  • ubuntu-jammy-deps-image: Builds a container image containing the dependencies necessary to build CLP-core in an Ubuntu Jammy x86 environment.

  • centos-stream-9-binaries: Builds the CLP-core binaries in the built CentOS Stream 9 container and runs core’s unit tests.

  • ubuntu-jammy-binaries: Builds the CLP-core binaries in the built Ubuntu Jammy container and runs core’s unit tests.

  • ubuntu-jammy-binaries-image: Builds an Ubuntu Jammy container image containing CLP-core’s binaries built in the ubuntu-jammy-binaries job.

When the PR or commit doesn’t change any of the files that affect CLP’s dependencies (or the dependency container images), then the dependency container images won’t be rebuilt; instead the published images (from will be used.

If a PR or commit does change the dependencies, then the relevant dependency image(s) will be rebuilt, and those will be used by the dependent jobs. Specifically, if the change is from a commit, the image(s) will be published to and then dependent jobs will pull the image(s) from there. If the change is from a PR, the image(s) will be uploaded to temporary storage provided by GitHub Actions, and then dependent jobs will download and load the image(s) from there.

Note that for the images containing CLP’s dependencies (built by the xxx-deps-image jobs), we need to build and test an image for each Linux distro where we support building CLP natively. However, for the image containing CLP’s binaries (built by the ubuntu-jammy-binaries-image job), we only need it for one OS since users can use the container on any OS.


This workflow builds CLP-core on macOS and runs its unit tests.


This workflow builds a container image that contains the dependencies necessary to run the CLP package.


This workflow runs linting checks on the codebase.