
For unstructured (plain text) logs, you can compress, decompress, and search them using the clp and clg binaries described below.



./clp c [<options>] <archives-dir> <input-path> [<input-path> ...]
  • archives-dir is the directory that archives should be written to.

    • clp will create a number of files and directories within, so it’s best if this directory is empty.

    • You can use the same directory repeatedly and clp will add to the compressed logs within.

  • input-path is any plain-text log file or directory containing such files.

  • options allow you to specify things like a path to a custom schema file (--schema-path <file-path>).

    • For a complete list, run ./clp c --help


Compress /mnt/logs/log1.log and output archives to /mnt/data/archives1:

./clp c /mnt/data/archives1 /mnt/logs/log1.log

Compress /mnt/logs/log1.log using a custom schema specified in /mnt/conf/schemas.txt:

./clp c --schema-path /mnt/conf/schemas.txt /mnt/data/archives1 /mnt/logs/log1.log



./clp x [<options>] <archives-dir> <output-dir> [<file-path>]
  • archives-dir is a directory containing archives.

  • output-dir is the directory that decompressed logs should be written to.

  • file-path is an optional file path to decompress, in particular.


Decompress all logs from /mnt/data/archives1 into /mnt/data/archives1-decomp:

./clp x /mnt/data/archives1 /mnt/data/archives1-decomp

Decompress just /mnt/logs/file1.log:

./clp x /mnt/data/archives1 /mnt/data/archives1-decomp /mnt/logs/file1.log

Parallel Compression#

By default, clp uses an embedded SQLite database, so each directory containing archives can only be accessed by a single clp instance.

To enable parallel compression to the same archives directory, clp/clg can be configured to use a MySQL-type database (e.g., MariaDB) as follows:

  • Install and configure MariaDB using the instructions for your platform

  • Create a user that has privileges to create databases, create tables, insert records, and delete records.

  • Copy and change config/metadata-db.yml, setting the type to mysql and uncommenting the MySQL parameters.

  • Install the MariaDB and PyYAML Python packages pip3 install mariadb PyYAML

    • This is necessary to run the database initialization script. If you prefer, you can run the SQL statements in tools/scripts/db/ directly.

  • Run tools/scripts/db/ with the updated config file. This will initialize the database CLP requires.

  • Run clp or clg as before, with the addition of the --db-config-file option pointing at the updated config file.

  • To compress in parallel, simply run another instance of clp concurrently.

Note that currently, decompression (clp x) and search (clg) can only be run with a single instance. We are in the process of open-sourcing parallelized versions of these as well.