Compressing JSON logs#

To compress JSON logs, from inside the package directory, run:

sbin/ --timestamp-key '<timestamp-key>' <path1> [<path2> ...]
  • <timestamp-key> is the field path of the kv-pair that contains the timestamp in each log event.

    • E.g., if your log events look like {"timestamp": {"iso8601": "2024-01-01 00:01:02.345", ...}}, you should enter timestamp.iso8601 as the timestamp key.


    Log events without the specified timestamp key will not have an assigned timestamp. Currently, these events can only be searched from the command line (when you don’t specify a timestamp filter).

  • <path...> are paths to JSON log files or directories containing such files.

    • Each JSON log file should contain each log event as a separate JSON object, i.e., not as an array.

Sample logs#

For some sample logs, check out the open-source datasets.

Examining compression statistics#

The compression script used above will output the compression ratio of each dataset you compress, or you can use the UI to view overall statistics.